Monday, June 29, 2009

Enlisting Exercise Help

I feel like a Weight watcher's failure. I have been on this program for 3 weeks and I have lost a total of 5 pounds. That's it. I think it's because I've been using too many flex points (the points you get in addition your daily points goal) and not enough exercise. I got a Denise Austin dance video from the library and did that for a while, plus a Tivo'd exercise show on PBS and the occaisonal walk in the neighborhood with Erik. Our evening walks are going to become less frequent because at 9:00 pm here in Waco it's still above 90 degrees and the humidity is stifling. Why does Texas have to feel like Hell's threshold in the summer? Anyway, I have decided to buckle down and get serious. I'm no longer going to use my flex points( except on weekends, and in that case, very limited use). I have also enlisted the help of this man:

Billy Blanks and his Tae Bo program are intense. I got a copy of the Ultimate Tae Bo workout from the library and did it this morning. I nearly died. I was sweating, something I hate to do but is necessary for weight loss, within 5 minutes of doing the workout. This big sweaty black man is going to get my big butt into shape! I hope it works!

1 comment:

The Westmorelands said...

duh!! of course you have to sweat to lose weight...come on, jessica! :) i have a friend here who has lost 12 pounds doing tae bo recently, and she's just cut back on her portions but not really changed what she's eating that much. i guess it works! good luck!!