Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Adventures in Weight Loss

I'm coming out people. And no, I don't mean that. I mean I have been on Weight Watcher's for over a week now. At first I didn't think I was going to share this with the blogging world because I happen to be a little sensitive when it comes to the weight issue. However, do to the fact that this blog is about the life of the Fuquas and I'm a Fuqua and right now weight loss is my life I decided it would at least give me some material to blog about. I have started out with a weight loss goal of 18 pounds. So far I've lost 3 of those 18. My BMI is on the upper level of normal and I don't have diabetes, but I just feel gross. Everything seems to have migrated to my tush and gut area and that needs to go. When you're around pregnant people all day you see a few preggo bellies. However a first trimester belly ain't cute on someone who's not pregnant.

I have to hand it to whoever does the advertising for Weight Watchers, because they got me, hook line and sinker. I saw a commercial for Weight Watchers Online, a program they have where everything is done on the internet. You weigh yourself weekly, track your points and activity, get recipes, etc. They have a deal now where you can try it out free for a week. Since I successfully lost the 3 pounds in one week I decided to get a membership for 3 months.

I'll try to share my menus, good recipes, and progress as I go along the next few months. I hope I can encourage anybody who wants to get healthy and lose some weight. Here's to accountability!


The Westmorelands said...

that's awesome! way to go, jessica!! i will be needing to join you come december, that's for sure. 3 pounds in a week is awesome!

The Westmorelands said...

i just realized that i used the word "awesome" two times in that post...i should really try to vary my vocab a little more.