Sunday, July 13, 2008

Nothing Special, Just Really Hot

We hope that everyone's summer is going well. Here at the Fuqua house we've been struck with bacterial conjunctivitis and boredom. Actually, I'm the one with pink eye and boredom, Erik just reads all day. Somehow I infected my eyeballs with bacteria after some debris got in them at work and I had to throw out my contacts and wear glasses for a week-yuck! I'm also trying to find hobbies to occupy my two whole days off during the week. I'm going to apply to be a volunteer at our local no-kill shelter. Erik says I can do that as long as I don't bring any animals home with me. That will be hard if a corgi comes through the door! Work is getting better. Every day I retain more information and remember not to do stupid stuff, so that's a plus. Erik and I are planning a trip to Austin in August to celebrate our 2 year anniversary and just relax before he starts school. By the way, it's ridiculously hot here in Texas.

1 comment:

The Westmorelands said...

glad you're not doing stupid stuff at work...pregnant ladies hate that. lol. i miss y'all a lot!!! wish you could come over for a cookout, good dessert, and a card game or good episode of LOST. stay cool in that texas heat!! it IS oppressive.