Monday, November 24, 2008

Game On

Just as I was beginning to think our mouse problem was under control I found this:

Do you see the bite marks on my new bag of flour? Then I found a trail of flour bag paper under the sink where the dishwasher hose comes out. He also tried to eat some of my powdered sugar. Needless to say, I was livid. Erik bought some foam sealant stuff and sealed up all the holes under the sink, so essentially the mouse was trapped. On Saturday we braved HEB (it was insane) and bought some more regular mouse traps. Not 30 minutes after we went to bed Saturday night I hear "SNAP" and I knew the little sucker was caught. Sunday morning I get up and I found a tiny little field mouse with his neck snapped in two. I didn't take a picture this time because he was staring up at me with a death stare. I briefly felt bad, but then I recalled the previous Friday night where I had to clear out and bleach the entry pantry after working 8 hours on the postpartum floor. Then I didn't feel so bad. I caught this mouse in the exact same spot as the first one. We still can't figure out how they're getting in the house, but we live next to an empty lot, so I know where they're coming from. We have some more traps set out for when the next one comes, as I have no doubt there will be more mice.
On another note, we will be in TN in about a month! We are so excited to see our families again and have an early Christmas with them!

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