I thought I would list some books that I recommend reading since I just finished a great one and I'm always on the look out for a good book. Feel free to leave a comment if you have a book suggestion!
1. The complete Harry Potter series. I don't care what anyone says, these books are amazing, and the best part is that you can re-read them and not get bored.
2. The Hobbit. I wasn't crazy about reading this at first, but it truly is a classic.
3. Where the Red Fern Grows. Kind of a kiddie book, but I can never make it to the end without completely bawling, and for me, that's real emotion!
4. Anything by Mary Higgins Clark. I realize this isn't actually a book title, but I love her stuff, especially her first few books, and they are great mysteries.
5. It Ain't All About the Cooking, Paula Deen. I love watching her show and I have made some of her lighter stuff, and her story is really unexpected.
6. To Kill a Mockingbird. I read this before I was required to for my 10th grade English class and it's way better than the movie, which isn't bad at all.
7. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Another read from school but this book made me crave cornbread for months.
8. The Green Mile. Talk about emotion. This one will have you crying like a baby.
9. Fried Green Tomatoes. I love the movie and the book is great too.
10. Anything by Robin Cook. He writes medical mysteries, so if you get a kick out of that kind of stuff you'll like this.
This isn't an exhaustive list and I'm sure if I sat for a minute I could think of many more. Happy reading!