Wednesday, August 6, 2008

X-Files - Season 1

Jessica and I just finished watching Season 1 of the X-Files. In some ways, this show was "before our time" but we thought we would like it...and of course we did. We are fans of shows like Lost, and I have been watching The 4400 lately...both are popular shows (well, The 4400 "was" popular) and both were influenced by the X-Files. I love Sci-Fi stuff and had seen an episode or two, but never got into the show. Anyways, we decided to rent the DVDs and really enjoyed Season 1. In the next day or so we will be starting Season 2.

One of our favorite aspects of the series so far is Scully's early 90s fashionable women's seen in the following stills:

1 comment:

Gavin Breeden said...

I used to watch that show all the time with my dad back in the day. I've seen tons of episodes from the early years. I didn't watch the last several seasons.

It's a good show. Right up your alley. Wait til you get to "Cancer Man" aka "Cigarette-Smoking-Man." He is an interesting character.

When does law school start?