Monday, September 12, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

We had a pretty low-key Labor Day weekend. I am so fortunate with my new job that I don't have to work any holidays-yay! I wanted to visit Cheekwood in Nashville but the weather was going to be really hot so we decided to go an indoor museum. I highly recommend Lane Motor Museum in Nashville. It's a vintage car museum and it was only $7 for an adult. We had a great time looking at all the cool old cars, mostly European, and it's small enough that we got to see everything even on a baby's schedule.

This is how Locke spent most of his time. He was very content to chew on his straps.

I LOVE this scooter! If only I had a need for it/place to ride it/money to spend on it! 
World's smallest working car, I think.

We also got to see one of Erik's old friends, Jessica Maloan, and eat at San Antonio Taco Co. It was good and seeing Jessica was great as always, but it wasn't the Texas Mexican food I know!

1 comment:

Chandra said...

haha! I love the 'little old man pants' look! He's adorable! And you look GREAT, too!