Sunday, March 13, 2011

Still Cooking

It's 1:00 pm on Sunday afternoon and yes I'm still pregnant. I think I'm going to start charging a dollar for every person who asks me "You still haven't had that baby yet?" What's with these people? It's my first baby and my due date isn't for another week. Why is there an expectation that this baby is supposed to come before he's due? I don't think people understand that I'm not miserable and breaking down my doctor's door to try to get him to induce me. I'm sleeping through the night, except to get up to the bathroom, and I'm happy to report that my hip hasn't hurt since Friday before last. I don't understand it, but I woke up one morning and the pain was far less, then the next day it was almost gone. I'm just going to take it as a blessing from God and not question Him! I have felt so great the past week, like I could run a marathon. My only true complaint would be my feet and ankles which are swollen to about 3x their size and I only have 2 pairs of shoes that I can stuff these boats into. Erik affectionately named them "Skeenkles" for ski-ankles because he says they look like ski boots. Har har. I would post a picture but I have a little more self-respect than that.
Don't get me wrong, I would love to have this baby this weekend, preferable after Friday because I have a hair appointment and I really wanted to get my hair cut before he comes. I have both our bags packed, the cameras charged and ready to go, and the house is almost totally clean. Every night I go to sleep and think this could be the last time I get to sleep uninterrupted for the next few years. I can't wait to meet this little guy, see who he looks like, and share him with the world. However, if he could wait until after I get my hair did I would be much obliged.

1 comment:

The Westmorelands said...

lol...people just want to have something to say! get used to it...people always have something to say, whether you're pregnant, have a new baby, etc. try to be gracious! :) i am totally with you on getting your hair done thing, and i was never overly anxious to get my babies out into the world...they're much easier to take care of in the womb! i don't think your sleep will be interrupted for me, and i'll get you on the right track! i JUST commented to justin how fabulous it is that our kids are such good sleeprs. so excited for your little family!! :)