Sunday, April 18, 2010

My new hobby-experimenting with Photoshop

I've been working PRN at an outpatient surgery center and I decided to buy a really nice camera with some of the money I saved up. Part of this interest came from the Pioneer Woman website that I've mentioned before. Not only does she have a cooking section, but there's an awesome Photography section as well. Many times she goes through how to take certain shots and how she edited them in Photoshop. She claims to have no professional photography lessons so I figured if she can do it then certainly I can too. I haven't gotten my camera in the mail yet so I decided to mess with some of my pictures from last year's vacation to California.

This first shot is straight out of the camera (SOOC) at the winery we toured. They had a gorgeous garden and I took some really pretty shots.

Part of Pioneer Woman's photography help comes in the form of Actions. These are free and downloadable from her website. You basically download it and apply it to your picture. The awesome thing is you can add multiple Actions on top of one another and it creates cool effects. I can't remember what all I did with this one except I know I did "Seventies" and some kind of texturizer. Mostly I'm just playing around at this point trying to figure out Photoshop. I believe you can click on the photo to enlarge it. I really love the Seventies action; it makes it look like this is a vintage summer photo.

This one I used "Fresh and Colorful" and "Boost" and "Edge Burn." I love how it makes the flowers look like they're center stage.

We are headed to Denver for vacation soon and I can't wait to take some awesome pictures!